This is True Business





Sacred Land Grab
duration: 5:30 / Super 8 & Video / 2012

“I take a walk in the country. Everything is as it should be; nature at its best. Birds, sun, soft grass, a view through the trees of the mountains, nobody around, no radio, no smell of gasoline. Then the path turns and ends on the highway. I am back among the billboards, service stations, motels, and roadhouses. I was in a National Park, and I now know that this was not reality. It was a “reservation,” something that is being preserved like a species dying out. If it were not for the government, the billboards, hot dog stands, and motels would long since have invaded that piece of Nature. I am grateful to the government; we have it much better than before…”

—Herbert Marcuse
One Dimensional Man
Beacon Press